Sparco Pencil Type Envelope Moistener (SPR01482)

Sparco Pencil Type Envelope Moistener (SPR01482)

Business Source Slide Letter Opener (BSN11818)

Business Source Slide Letter Opener (BSN11818)

Sku: LEE10050
Product SKU LEE10050
Product UPC 084417100508
Product Name MOISTENER SORTKWIK 3/8 oz.

White - Odorless, Stainingless, Non-toxic - 1 Each

  • Eliminates dry slippery fingers when handling paper and currency
  • Specially formulated to make counting, sorting, collating quick and easy
  • Hygienic, clean and sanitary; contains an antimicrobial ingredient; nontoxic and nonstaining
  • 0.37 oz

LEE Sortkwik Fingertip Moistener (LEE10050)

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